Criptovalute: 29,829 Scambi: 656 Cap. di mercato: $2,533.88B Vol. 24h: $48.65B Dominanza: BTC 51.5% ETH 17.1% Gas ETH:  4 Gwei
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      Nezha Prezzo (NEZ)

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      Sito web, Whitepaper
      Nezha's Logo Nezha NEZ

      Nezha Vendita di token

      Seed Terminato: Nel passato
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      Piattaforma di lancio:
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      Private Terminato: Nel passato
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      Pre-Sale Terminato: Nel passato
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      Nezha is the liquidity engine for prediction markets where the participants do not wager the principal stake but rather the yield generated on the pooled principal of all participants. Through staking liquidity and yield aggregation, Nezha utilises the power of DeFi to change the old industry dynamics radically. These improvements have no adverse effect on the essential characteristic of first-generation prediction markets that we intend to maintain: the greatest entertainment.

      The next generation of prediction markets offers the same joy and incentive of financial gain without the looming risk of financial loss. Additionally, the next generation incentivises larger stakes, increased liquidity and positive flywheel effects for the prediction market distributors. Due to the positive-sum dynamics and positive expected outcomes for protocol participants, the next generation of prediction markets is a gamified staking strategy rather than only a source of entertainment.

      Through yield aggregation and game characteristics, protocol participants not only enjoy games but become eligible to win the accumulated YieldPot during each game cycle.

      Vendite di token di tendenza

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