Criptovalute: 29,652 Scambi: 655 Cap. di mercato: $2,689.23B Vol. 24h: $45.44B Dominanza: BTC 49.7% ETH 17.4% Gas ETH:  5 Gwei
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      Burnt (XION)'s Logo

      Burnt Finance - Seed

      Panoramica Investitori Fondatori Profilo aziendale / Introduzione al progetto


      Data del finanziamento

      May 6, 2021

      Importo del finanziamento





      Layer 1 Studio Tooling

      Informazioni su Burnt Finance - Seed

      Burnt (XION) ha raccolto $3.00M in un round di finanziamento Seed il 06/05/2021. Il round è stato sostenuto da Injective Protocol, Solana Ecosystem Fund. In totale, c'erano 2 investitori che hanno partecipato al round.


      InvestitoriTipoPosizioneAnno di fondazione#Aziende in portafoglioIndirizzo emailSocial
      FundUnited States of
      CorporateUnited States of

      Fondatori & Squadra

      Burnt Banksy's Logo

      Burnt Banksy

      Profilo aziendale / Introduzione al progetto

      Burnt integrates & partners with likeminded entities to build the infrastructure, products and tools needed to remove the cultural and functional barriers that hinder crypto from resonating with society at large.

      Burnt is rebranded by Burnt Finance. The new name and visual direction signal their commitment to expanding the impact of Web3 beyond the confines of just DeFi.

      After a year in the making, Burnt team is revealing XION, the first chain purpose-built for consumer adoption. The first of its kind, XION is intended to remove technical crypto barriers for consumers with a toolkit that includes seamless fiat on/off ramps, direct credit card purchases, familiar Web2 logins, safe account abstraction for mobile support, and zero gas fees. At its core, XION provides us the ability to shape the economics of our ecosystem from the ground up; aligning incentives across every level: from infrastructure, to developers, from products to creators and end-users.

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