Criptovalute: 29,721 Scambi: 656 Cap. di mercato: $2,689.09B Vol. 24h: $91.11B Dominanza: BTC 50.9% ETH 16.8% Gas ETH:  7 Gwei
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      Covey's Logo

      Covey - Seed

      Panoramica Investitori Fondatori Profilo aziendale / Introduzione al progetto


      Data del finanziamento

      July 21, 2022

      Importo del finanziamento








      Informazioni su Covey - Seed

      Covey ha raccolto $2.50M in un round di finanziamento Seed il 21/07/2022. Il round è stato sostenuto da Social Leverage, Portage Ventures, BoxOne Ventures e altri. In totale, c'erano 4 investitori che hanno partecipato al round.


      InvestitoriTipoPosizioneAnno di fondazione#Aziende in portafoglioIndirizzo emailSocial
      FundUnited States of America20093--
      FundUnited States of America20181--

      Fondatori & Squadra

      Sara Springmeyer's Logo

      Sara Springmeyer

      Brooker Belcourt's Logo

      Brooker Belcourt

      Profilo aziendale / Introduzione al progetto

      Covey is designed to find, reward, and train the next top investment managers —from any background—that anyone can copy, so everyone can win.  The analyst Idea Data is stored on an open ledger, completely transparent to our community and accessible to anyone looking to build better investment products. 

      Based on member-governed Alpha Algorithm, analysts rise the ranks of our virtual investment community using our tools and network to sharpen and share their ideas—risk free. The top 10% of analysts earn the option to become an investment manager on Covey's Copy Trading app (launching 2023), offering unlimited earning potential as independent investors invest alongside them. These independent investors benefit from being able to access and copy the ideas of the best investment managers—matching their portfolio, and ultimately, their performance.

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      *Annuncio di raccolta fondi: Clicca qui