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      Quantum Computing: The Power of Superposition and Entanglement

      초급 2분

      A quantum computer could solve problems that are out of reach for conventional processors. But physics curricula still focus on the physics ABCs and string on pulleys, leaving students unprepared for this powerful new technology.

      Schools are starting to recognize this need and adding quantum computing education to STEM programs. Learn how quantum computing works and why it matters.


      As its name implies, quantum computing’s key advantage is superposition, the ability of a Qubit to exist in multiple states at once. This allows the computer to process inputs more efficiently than a regular computer, which must examine each potential corridor of a maze one at a time.

      Entanglement, the second pillar of quantum computing’s power, is what gives it the potential to be more powerful than a classical computer. When qubits are entangled, influencing the state of one can instantly influence the state of another, even if they’re separated by vast distances.


      Quantum computers are expected to be much faster than classical computers, even with relatively few qubits. This exponential speedup comes from superposition and entanglement.

      A qubit can be in a state of both a zero and a one simultaneously, a property known as superposition. A quantum AI can also perform calculations in parallel, giving it enormous computing power.

      Entanglement is the second pillar of quantum computing's potential. If two qubits are entangled, then changing the spin of one has a ripple effect on the other. This is known as a "spooky action at a distance," and it's why Einstein originally thought there must be something wrong with quantum theory.


      One of the key reasons quantum computers are so powerful is that entanglement allows them to perform calculations much faster than classical computers. This is because when you add qubits to a quantum computer, their processing power increases exponentially, as opposed to linearly like traditional computers.

      Quantum computing can be used to solve a variety of complex problems, from finding prime factors for large numbers (think four-digit PINs) to modelling the behavior of complicated molecules, which could lead to new drug formulations. But the computational challenges remain significant, especially when it comes to keeping qubits in a coherent state.

      Data centers and IT professionals can start exploring the potential of quantum computing now by partnering with quantum players and recruiting qualified quantum talent. In the meantime, they should continue to build out their digital infrastructure and scale their data sets with an eye towards incorporating quantum computing workflows in the future.


      As quantum computing progresses, it’s expected to accelerate drug discovery, crack encryption, speed up financial transactions, improve machine learning and develop revolutionary materials. The applications are endless.

      The qubits in a quantum computer reside in a superposition of states, like a coin held by your hand that holds heads and tails simultaneously until it’s flipped over and measured. Quantum computers can overlap these possibilities and compute them at once, much quicker than a conventional computer.

      Data centers and admins should continue to pursue digital transformation, but keep a close eye on quantum computing. It’s a technology that may make its way into production workflows sooner than some expect.

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        Quantum Computing: The Power of Superposition and Entanglement