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      What Is Markets in Crypto Assets Regulation (MiCA)?

      初級 10分

      The crypto industry is booming, with more and more people investing, trading and learning about digital assets every day. However, the lack of a clear and consistent regulatory framework across the European Union (EU) has posed many challenges and risks for crypto users, service providers and authorities. To address these issues, the EU has proposed a landmark regulation called Markets in Crypto Assets (MiCA), which aims to create a harmonized and comprehensive set of rules for the crypto sector in the EU.

      In this article, we will explain what MiCA is, why it is important, what it covers, how it will affect the crypto industry and what are the benefits and challenges of implementing it. We will also provide some tips and resources for crypto users and service providers who want to prepare for the upcoming changes and comply with the new regulation.

      What Is MiCA?

      MiCA stands for Markets in Crypto Assets, and it is a regulation in EU law that was approved by the EU Parliament on 20 April 2023(1). It will become effective in 2024, after a transition period of 12 to 18 months(2). MiCA is part of a broader package of legislative proposals by the European Commission (EC) to foster innovation and competitiveness in the digital finance sector, while ensuring consumer protection, financial stability and market integrity(3).

      MiCA is the first comprehensive and specific regulation for crypto assets in the EU, and it aims to provide legal certainty and clarity for all actors involved in the crypto ecosystem. It defines what crypto assets are, how they should be classified, what rules apply to them and who is responsible for enforcing them. It also introduces a licensing regime for crypto asset service providers (CASPs), such as exchanges, wallets, custodians, brokers and issuers. MiCA also sets out disclosure requirements, governance standards, consumer rights and obligations, prudential rules, anti-money laundering (AML) measures and sanctions for non-compliance(4).

      MiCA applies to all types of crypto assets that are not already covered by existing EU financial regulations, such as securities or e-money. It also applies to all CASPs that offer their services in the EU, regardless of where they are established or registered. This means that MiCA will create a level playing field and a single market for crypto assets in the EU, eliminating regulatory arbitrage and fragmentation among member states(5).

      Why Is MiCA Important?

      MiCA is important because it addresses some of the main challenges and risks that the crypto industry faces in the EU. Some of these are:

      • Lack of legal clarity and certainty: Until now, there was no common definition or classification of crypto assets in the EU, and different member states had different approaches and interpretations of existing laws. This created confusion and uncertainty for crypto users and service providers, who did not know what rights and obligations they had, what rules they had to follow or what risks they were exposed to.
      • Lack of consumer protection: Crypto users faced many potential threats and vulnerabilities when dealing with crypto assets, such as fraud, hacking, theft, loss, scams, market manipulation or volatility. There was also no clear mechanism for redress or compensation in case of disputes or damages.
      • Lack of market integrity: Crypto markets were often opaque, unregulated or poorly supervised, which increased the chances of market abuse, insider trading or price manipulation. There was also no reliable source of information or data on crypto assets or their issuers.
      • Lack of financial stability: Crypto assets could pose systemic risks to the financial system due to their cross-border nature, high volatility or interconnection with other markets. There was also no coordination or cooperation among authorities to monitor or address these risks.
      • Lack of innovation and competitiveness: The absence of a clear and consistent regulatory framework hindered the development and growth of the crypto sector in the EU. It discouraged innovation, investment and adoption of new technologies and business models. It also created barriers to entry and competition for new entrants or smaller players.

      By introducing MiCA, the EU aims to overcome these challenges and risks by providing a balanced and proportionate set of rules that will foster innovation and competitiveness in the crypto sector while ensuring consumer protection.

      What Does MiCA Cover?

      MiCA covers a wide range of crypto assets and services, and it classifies them into four main categories:

      • Asset-referenced tokens (ARTs): These are crypto assets that aim to maintain a stable value by referring to the value of several fiat currencies, one or more commodities or one or more crypto assets, or a combination of such assets. They are also known as stablecoins or global stablecoins. Examples of ARTs are Tether (USDT), USD Coin (USDC) or Libra (now Diem).
      • E-money tokens (EMTs): These are crypto assets that aim to maintain a stable value by referring to the value of a single fiat currency. They are also known as fiat-backed stablecoins. Examples of EMTs are Paxos Standard (PAX), TrueUSD (TUSD) or Binance USD (BUSD).
      • Utility tokens: These are crypto assets that are intended to provide digital access to a good or service, available on or off the distributed ledger on which they are issued. They are also known as application tokens or network tokens. Examples of utility tokens are Basic Attention Token (BAT), Chainlink (LINK) or Uniswap (UNI).
      • Other crypto assets: These are crypto assets that do not fall into any of the above categories, and that are not already regulated as financial instruments under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II). They are also known as payment tokens or investment tokens. Examples of other crypto assets are Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) or Ripple (XRP).

      MiCA also covers a wide range of crypto asset service providers (CASPs), and it defines them as any person whose occupation or business is the provision of one or more of the following services to third parties:

      • Custody and administration of crypto assets: This means safeguarding, administering or transferring crypto assets on behalf of clients.
      • Operation of a trading platform for crypto assets: This means allowing buyers and sellers of crypto assets to interact in order to exchange those crypto assets.
      • Exchange of crypto assets for fiat currency or other crypto assets: This means buying, selling, lending or borrowing crypto assets in exchange for fiat currency or other crypto assets.
      • Execution of orders for crypto assets on behalf of third parties: This means acting on behalf of clients to buy, sell, lend or borrow crypto assets.
      • Placement of crypto assets: This means finding buyers for newly issued crypto assets on behalf of the issuer.
      • Reception and transmission of orders for crypto assets: This means receiving orders from clients and transmitting them to another person for execution.
      • Advice on crypto assets: This means providing personal recommendations to clients on buying, selling, lending or borrowing crypto assets.
      • Issuance of crypto assets: This means creating and offering new crypto assets to the public.

      What Are the Benefits and Challenges of MiCA?

      MiCA has many potential benefits and challenges for the crypto industry in the EU, and they may vary depending on the type and size of the crypto asset or service provider, as well as the level of preparedness and compliance. Some of the main benefits and challenges are:


      • Legal clarity and certainty: MiCA will provide a clear and consistent definition and classification of crypto assets and services in the EU, and it will harmonize the rules and standards that apply to them. This will reduce confusion and uncertainty for crypto users and service providers, who will know what rights and obligations they have, what rules they have to follow and what risks they are exposed to. This will also increase trust and confidence in the crypto sector, as it will demonstrate that it is legitimate, regulated and supervised.
      • Consumer protection: MiCA will enhance the safety and security of crypto users, by introducing disclosure requirements, governance standards, consumer rights and obligations, prudential rules, anti-money laundering measures and sanctions for non-compliance. This will protect crypto users from potential threats and vulnerabilities when dealing with crypto assets, such as fraud, hacking, theft, loss, scams, market manipulation or volatility. This will also increase consumer satisfaction and loyalty in the crypto sector, as it will ensure that crypto users have access to reliable information, fair treatment, effective remedies and compensation schemes.
      • Market integrity: MiCA will improve the transparency and fairness of crypto markets, by introducing rules to prevent market abuse, insider trading or price manipulation. This will ensure that crypto markets operate in an orderly and efficient manner, reflecting the true supply and demand of crypto assets. This will also increase market liquidity and depth in the crypto sector, as it will attract more investors, traders and participants to the crypto space.
      • Financial stability: MiCA will mitigate the systemic risks that crypto assets may pose to the financial system, by introducing rules to monitor and address them. This will ensure that crypto assets do not threaten the stability or functioning of the financial system or other markets. This will also increase financial resilience and innovation in the crypto sector, as it will enable crypto assets to coexist and interact with other financial instruments and services.
      • Innovation and competitiveness: MiCA will foster the development and growth of the crypto sector in the EU, by creating a level playing field and a single market for crypto assets and services. This will encourage innovation, investment and adoption of new technologies and business models in the crypto space. This will also increase competitiveness and diversity in the crypto sector, as it will create opportunities for new entrants or smaller players to compete with established or dominant players in the market.


      • Compliance costs: MiCA will introduce new requirements and obligations for crypto asset issuers and service providers, which may entail significant costs for compliance. These costs may include fees for licensing, reporting or auditing; expenses for implementing technical or organizational measures; or penalties for non-compliance or violations. These costs may vary depending on the type and size of the crypto asset or service provider, as well as the level of preparedness and compliance. These costs may also affect the profitability or viability of some crypto projects or businesses.
      • Regulatory complexity: MiCA will introduce a comprehensive and specific regulation for crypto assets in the EU, which may entail a high degree of complexity for understanding and applying it. This complexity may arise from the scope, definitions, classifications or exemptions of MiCA; from the interactions or overlaps with other existing or upcoming EU regulations; or from the differences or discrepancies among member states or authorities. This complexity may pose challenges for crypto users and service providers, who may need to seek legal advice or guidance; or for authorities, who may need to coordinate or cooperate with each other.
      • Implementation uncertainty: MiCA will become effective in 2024, after a transition period of 12 to 18 months. However, there may be some uncertainty about how MiCA will be implemented in practice. This uncertainty may arise from the interpretation or application of MiCA by different member states or authorities; from the availability or readiness of technical or operational solutions; or from the reactions or responses of market participants. This uncertainty may create challenges for crypto users and service providers, who may need to adapt or adjust their strategies or operations; or for authorities, who may need to monitor or enforce MiCA.

      How to Prepare and Comply with MiCA?

      MiCA will introduce significant changes and challenges for the crypto industry in the EU, and it will require crypto asset issuers and service providers to prepare and comply with the new regulation. Here are some tips and resources for crypto users and service providers who want to get ready for MiCA:

      Stay informed and updated: MiCA is a complex and evolving regulation, and it may be subject to further amendments or clarifications before or after its implementation. Therefore, it is important to stay informed and updated about the latest developments and news regarding MiCA. Some of the sources of information and guidance that can help are:

      • The official website of the European Commission (EC), which provides the full text of MiCA, as well as explanatory documents, impact assessments, FAQs and press releases.
      • The official website of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), which is the EU authority responsible for supervising and enforcing MiCA, as well as providing technical standards, guidelines and opinions.
      • The official websites of the national competent authorities (NCAs) of each member state, which are the authorities responsible for granting licenses, conducting inspections and imposing sanctions under MiCA, as well as providing national rules, regulations and interpretations.
      • The websites of reputable law firms, consultancies or associations that specialize in crypto or digital finance, which provide analysis, insights or advice on MiCA and its implications for the crypto industry .

      Assess and adapt your business model: MiCA will introduce new requirements and obligations for crypto asset issuers and service providers, which may affect their business model, strategy or operations. Therefore, it is important to assess and adapt your business model to comply with MiCA. Some of the steps that can help are:

      • Identify and classify your crypto assets and services according to MiCA’s definitions and categories, and determine which rules and standards apply to them.
      • Review and update your white paper, terms and conditions, policies and procedures, contracts and agreements, marketing materials and other documents to ensure that they comply with MiCA’s disclosure requirements, governance standards, consumer rights and obligations, prudential rules, anti-money laundering measures and sanctions for non-compliance.
      • Implement technical or organizational measures to ensure that you comply with MiCA’s rules on market surveillance, reporting, cybersecurity, segregation of funds, compensation schemes and other aspects.
      • Apply for a license from a competent authority if you provide any of the services covered by MiCA, or update your existing license if you already have one under another EU regulation.
      • Monitor your compliance performance and risk exposure on a regular basis, and report any incidents or breaches to the relevant authorities.

      Engage with stakeholders and authorities: MiCA will create new opportunities and challenges for the crypto industry in the EU, and it will require cooperation and coordination among various stakeholders and authorities. Therefore, it is important to engage with stakeholders and authorities to benefit from MiCA. Some of the ways that can help are:

      • Communicate with your clients, partners, suppliers, investors or other stakeholders about MiCA and its impact on your crypto assets or services. Provide them with clear and accurate information, education or guidance on how to use or access your crypto assets or services under MiCA. Solicit their feedback or suggestions on how to improve your crypto assets or services under MiCA.
      • Collaborate with other crypto asset issuers or service providers in the EU or globally to share best practices, experiences or solutions on how to comply with MiCA. Join or form industry associations or networks that represent or advocate for the interests of the crypto sector in the EU. Participate in events or initiatives that promote or showcase the innovation and competitiveness of the crypto sector in the EU.
      • Consult with competent authorities or regulators in the EU or globally on how to interpret or apply MiCA. Seek their approval or authorization for your crypto assets or services under MiCA. Comply with their supervision or enforcement actions under MiCA. Contribute to their policy-making or standard-setting processes under MiCA.


      MiCA is a landmark regulation that will create a harmonized and comprehensive set of rules for the crypto sector in the EU. It aims to foster innovation and competitiveness in the crypto sector while ensuring consumer protection, financial stability and market integrity. MiCA will cover a wide range of crypto assets and services, and it will introduce new requirements and obligations for crypto asset issuers and service providers, as well as new rights and protections for crypto users. MiCA will have a significant impact on the crypto industry in the EU, and it will require crypto asset issuers and service providers to prepare and comply with the new regulation. MiCA will also create new opportunities and challenges for the crypto industry in the EU, and it will require cooperation and coordination among various stakeholders and authorities. MiCA is a complex and evolving regulation, and it may be subject to further amendments or clarifications before or after its implementation. Therefore, it is important to stay informed and updated about the latest developments and news regarding MiCA, to assess and adapt your business model to comply with MiCA, and to engage with stakeholders and authorities to benefit from MiCA.

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        What Is Markets in Crypto Assets Regulation (MiCA)?